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Discovering new materials is like a treasure hunt.

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Handicrafts Store☆ALAUDAE's unwavering commitment

The spread of the Internet has made it easy to get craft materials from all over the world. With the push of a button, rare materials you've never seen before are delivered to your home. It's as exciting as a treasure hunt. However, because of this convenience, the issue of "quality" is often overlooked.

Recently, materials with warnings such as "If you press too hard from above during production, it will split vertically" are being sold. If you love handicrafts, you may feel that it is counterproductive to be distracted by how you handle the materials when you want to concentrate on making your work. For example, if the material breaks while you are making delicate lacework, all your hard work will be for nothing. Also, if you want to enjoy handicrafts with your children, but have to be careful about how you handle the materials, you will not be able to immerse yourself in making your work with peace of mind.

From the seller's point of view, this is clearly a "defective product." I can't help but feel both surprised and concerned that there are people who buy products knowing this. If the trend of neglecting quality control and just selling everything becomes widespread, it will cast a shadow on the future of the wonderful culture of handicrafts. Handicrafts are a wonderful hobby that fosters creativity and enriches the soul. However, if inferior materials are sold, frustration may outweigh the joy of making things.

Even if the product is defective, it would be a different story if the seller conveyed ideas and solutions such as "This is how you can reduce the risk of vertical division," but I cannot understand the style of selling it as it is. For example, if they gave advice such as "This material will be less likely to break if you work with it on a piece of cardboard," the buyer would be able to work on their creation with peace of mind.

Handicrafts Store☆ALAUDAE mainly deals in import and wholesale, but what we value is "a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with materials." We want to deliver to you the finest materials collected from all over the world.

For example, our "Fortuna Pearl". Even if you use it in the same way as domestically produced PP bands, you will be surprised at the difference in texture and color. Even with the same weaving method, Fortuna Pearl will result in a more elegant and unique piece. It's like discovering a new you, awakening a dormant talent. Or you will feel the same excitement as finding a one-of-a-kind accessory on a beautiful street corner overseas.

We want to maximize the potential of these materials and broaden the scope of your creative endeavors. That's why, rather than simply selling defective products, we take a serious look at each and every material and are committed to bringing out its charm to the fullest.

We hope that your encounter with Handicrafts Store☆ALAUDAE will inspire your creative spirit and inspire you to produce a one-of-a-kind piece of work. We support your creativity and want to share the joy of handicrafts with you.