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15 mm width Hishigatakoshi knitting chart

 -  About Materials
This time, the report is a breather.
As I informed you in a postscript in 15 mm wide Hishigatakoshi type nears completion, I often fall ill in bed due to an incurable illness.
What I thought about when I was that unwell.

At first we tried to sell 'material Fortuna' in the form of 'pp bands, plastic baskets', which are generally woven in, with attractive colour variations, but it is impossible to sell it at low prices like 'pp bands' because it is an imported material. So I thought I had no choice but to produce the 'form that seems to be produced by pp band but is not' at 'Handicrafts Store ☆ ALAUDAE' and spread the goodness of 'Material Fortuna'.

But it is not easy to find a new form.
But by chance, around the time of the store opening, the shape of Bottega Veneta's MAXI CABAT caught my eye and I started prototyping the Hishigatakoshi type to see if I could create such a shape with the 'Material Fortuna'. The pursuit of the ideal shape of the original Hishigatakoshi type is still good, but we realise that this pursuit may come to an end if the weaving process is no longer possible.

That's why we decided to keep the original knitting diagrams of 'Handicrafts Store ☆ ALAUDAE', so that all the hard work we have done up to now will not be in vain.

Incidentally, the knitting diagram shown here is not the prototype of the '15 mm wide Hishigatakoshi type nearing completion', but a newly recalculated knitting diagram based on the surplus of material in this prototype.
The knitting of the main body was finally completed yesterday, using the colours in the image in the knitting diagram and taking production images. It was found that only 12 strands had been miscalculated, and the knitting diagram was completed after correcting this.

The only thing left to do now is to check the handles.

This knitting diagram also allows the body and handles to be knitted by preparing 1 x 15 mm wide 'Fortuna' 27Mx for two colours.
Double-sided caulking is required to join the body and handle!

There are still many things to be done, such as the following, but we will let you know more details when they are completed.