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Customisation☆Origin. Changing the number of Max orders

 -  Notices
Handicrafts Store ☆ Original products of ALAUDAE
オリジン.マックス is currently
  • オリジン.マックスP03バッグ.w15タイプ
  • オリジン.マックスP01バッグ.w15タイプ
  • オリジン.マックスP00バッグ.w21タイプ
We had planned to deliver 3 types in your choice of colour and handle length in about 1-2 weeks from pre-order, but recently realised that the maximum number of pre-orders is 5, which is too many, so we are changing the number of stock = 1 pre-order.

It's not that I couldn't produce it, but I didn't take into account my physical condition as the produce
I have an incurable disease called posterior longitudinal ligament ossification, which makes a whole day's work difficult, and depending on the situation, I can have severe numbness and paralysis all over my body, and I sometimes fall asleep.

So it is currently impossible to provide a stable supply of products, so if a large number of pre-orders were to be placed, it would not be possible to respond.
But on the other hand, it can be said that the small number of orders means that we can carefully produce each one, so we ask for your understanding.