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Regarding the clumsiness in the transition on March 31, 2024

 -  Store Site
Building a web is like inspecting a car.

We are working with the utmost care to ensure that our customers can use our services with peace of mind.

hen inspecting a car, we always check for any defects at the end. The same goes for web building. When modifying or migrating, we check the same procedure many times and open it after confirming that there are no problems. If you are concerned about something, check to see if it is correct or incorrect.

The reason why we were not able to complete the migration on March 31, 2024 was because there was one unknown cause, and we had experienced that this would have repercussions later on, so we took careful measures.

There are very few sites in Japan that have a similar structure to our store, so you will need to solve everything yourself. Therefore, it took a long time to confirm.

In order to open a store and sell things on the Internet, you need a website with strict security measures.

Please understand that we are working hard to ensure that our customers can enjoy their purchases with peace of mind.

No web building is perfect.

If you feel unsafe, please stop using our store.

However, we are always striving to improve and strive to provide a service that satisfies our customers.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.