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Reason for temporary suspension of sales of materials and manufactured goods.

 -  Store Site
Every day feels warmer than usual.
Now that things have calmed down a bit this time, I will explain the reasons for the sudden pause.

The main reason is still the loss of new content data.
If the cryptographic passwords had been properly managed, the new content would have been unveiled by now.

Now, assuming that the entire store build starts all over again, there are two things to do.

The first was originally a domestic-only sales development.
Recently, however, we have been receiving inquiries from overseas customers asking "I want the materials and products, don't you ship overseas?"

Naturally, we would decline because of the limited domestic sales, but when such enquiries continued, even if only a few, we felt uncomfortable about declining on the grounds that they were from overseas users.

Online shopping should be a system available to everyone in the world.
This would defeat the purpose of the material named "Fortuna Pearl", which was intended to be a "Fortuna" (lucky) "Pearl" delivered to users from Formosa (Taiwan). Then we decided to develop it with a view to selling it outside the country, and the plan to modify it after the new content went ahead.

Secondly, dissatisfaction with the shopping cart system currently used.
I feel that it is easy to use when you are in a position to manage, but difficult to handle when you are in a position to buy.

It would seem that this could be solved by using a major domestic shopping cart system, but due to the budget to build a store, our store's small private owner cannot maintain and manage a major domestic shopping cart system.

There is also compatibility between the store site and the shopping cart system.
No matter how good the leading national shopping cart system is, it is useless if it does not match the web architecture used by the store site. So within a limited budget, you will need to choose a good shopping cart system.

The skills to set up an appropriate shopping cart system for a store site are also important, and after reviewing the current situation, it was decided that web-building skills have improved and a higher grade shopping cart system is available.

Yes, the shopping cart system will also be changed.
Ideally, you should be able to shop by feel without useless explanations, so we hope to build a shopping cart that will satisfy users as much as possible.

Please wait a while for the future Handicrafts Store ☆ALAUDAE, as the development of international sales, two new shopping carts and new content are the reasons why it is necessary.