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ProtoType1 Wide Mix Pearl ◇W21-AISUMICHA, SHIRO, W10-KAKIIRO, USUAO◇

Fortuna Pearl width mixed prototypes. Braided with a mix of two Fortuna pearl widths of 21 mm colour and two colours of approximately 10 mm width. Handle ready-made synthetic leather, total length approx 55 cm, width approx 1.8-4 cm, ø9, ø12 double-sided caulking. Fortuna pearls with a smooth, silky feel and pearlescent texture, 21 mm wide, finished in two colours, AISUMICHA and SHIRO, and in KAKIIRO and USUAO.
  • Color number
    001F-21022, 001F-21025, 001F-21005, 001F-21049 / Handle: Khaki
  • Rivet
    φ9 double-sided, color: silver antique / φ12 double-sided, color: ivushi
  • W x D x H (cm)
    36.5 x 12 x 23
  • Handle length (cm)
  • Weight (g)
  • Material
    100% Polypropylene / Synthetic Leather / Brass Plated

The size of the Wide Mix Pearl Prototype One, approximately 37x29 cm, is the first to be knitted with Fortuna Pearl. We wanted to see mixed finishes other than 15 mm widths, and we were conscious that the colour combinations would not clash with the colours of the other prototypes. The shape looks good, but the colour combination is said to be subtle. Colours are difficult to combine because people perceive them differently. At the end of the production process, one of the lengths was not long enough, and I thought about completing it by splicing, but I realised that it is no good to start halfway, so I removed the short material and added a new one.

The handles (grip) are made of INAZUMA's synthetic leather YAK-5502. The khaki colour was chosen because the overall image looks more suitable with a similar colour of 'USUAO' as a handle. The inner lining is made from peeled off rounded synthetic leather, which was a fashionable point, and is finished with one ø12 double-sided caulk and two ø9 double-sided caulks, instead of using the pre-applied foot-fold fittings.
However, it is very disappointing to see the markings of the needle hole-sized hole, which is visible and hidden by the handle, due to the wrong handle position. Wide Mix Pearl Prototype One, which still has room for other improvements.
We regret that the finishing touches are not yet mature enough.

Only one of the above items was produced for this prototype.

Product code: FMWX-T001

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What is the history of the product?

A list of past products and prototypes that anyone can check at any time that has been sold by Handicrafts Store☆ALAUDAE.
The categories and list will continue to increase as we continue to produce and prototype!

Is there a resale of product history?

If there are many requests for production of sold-out items, we may consider reselling them!
However, I also have a web construction business as a side job, and when I'm busy with web work, I can't do any craft work. Resale will be considered only if the creator has the luxury of doing handicraft work.

What does out of stock mean in the product history?

I want to shorten the time it takes to write a new article on a blog, etc., so I make good use of the electronic commerce (EC site) system and display items that are out of stock in the product history. Please think of it as a state where it can be resold once it is produced.

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